“Sam is somebody you need as a steward of your brand. He’s able to craft compelling brand narratives that company’s vision to life We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account-LMS site..”
The algorithm schedules flashcard reviews at increasing intervals based on your performance. Correct answers lead to longer intervals before you see the flashcard again, while incorrect answers shorten the interval. This method ensures you review information just before you’re likely to forget it.
Unlike traditional study methods, our algorithm helps you concentrate on what you don’t know rather than what you already know. This targeted approach maximizes your learning efficiency by reinforcing weaker areas and solidifying your overall knowledge base.
Spaced repetition promotes active recall, which is far more effective than passive reading. By actively engaging with the material and recalling information from memory, you significantly enhance retention and understanding.
The algorithm adapts to your individual learning pace and progress, providing a customized study experience that caters to your pecific needs.
Spend less time studying while achieving better results. The algorithm’s targeted approach means you focus on the areas that need the most attention, making your study sessions more productive.
By continuously reviewing material at optimal intervals, you ensure that the information stays fresh in your mind, leading to better long-term retention and recall during the MCAT exam.
“Sam is somebody you need as a steward of your brand. He’s able to craft compelling brand narratives that company’s vision to life We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account-LMS site..”
“Sam is somebody you need as a steward of your brand. He’s able to craft compelling brand narratives that company’s vision to life We care about safety big time — and so do your site's visitors. With a Shared Hosting account-LMS site..”
We are a Portsmouth based web design and e-marketing agency. We understand how important a website is to any business, big or small. Your online presence is now more important than ever before.
We are a Portsmouth based web design and e-marketing agency. We understand how important a website is to any business, big or small. Your online presence is now more important than ever before.
Our comprehensive set of flashcard decks covers all MCAT topics, including Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, and Sociology. Each flashcard is crafted by top 5% MCAT experts to ensure high-quality content.
Absolutely! Our customizable feature allows you to choose specific MCAT topics and create your own flashcards. Tailor your study sessions to focus on areas where you need the most improvement, making your preparation more effective and personalized.
Our spaced repetition algorithm is a scientifically-proven method that helps you retain information more effectively. It works by scheduling reviews of flashcards at increasing intervals based on your performance. When you answer a flashcard correctly, the interval before you see it again lengthens. If you answer incorrectly, the interval shortens. This method ensures you review information just before you’re likely to forget it, leading to better long-term retention with less study time. The advantage is that you learn more efficiently, focusing on your weaker areas while reinforcing your strengths
The Question of the Day is a daily challenge designed to reinforce key concepts and test your knowledge. Each day, you’ll receive a new question to help keep your mind sharp and engaged.
Our integrated ChatGPT feature provides 24/7 support, helping you with quick questions, concept explanations, and study advice. It ensures you’re never stuck or confused while studying.
The app costs $25 for 6 months of unlimited access. This one-time payment gives you access to all features, including the comprehensive flashcard library, spaced repetition algorithm, progress tracking, customizable study reminders, daily questions, and 24/7 ChatGPT support